I'm a digital hoarder, so you know I've gotta have a link page.
Here's some links to people & pages I like, sources & credits for sites I used to put my pages together, and even some buttons to link back here if you want to link back to me! (Let me know if you put my button on your site, I'd love to come visit & add yours!)
Other places to find me: NeoCities profile | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy | DeviantArt
Link back to this site:
Friends, other sites, & places I Like:
(Shelly gets her own spot cuz she rules, & also cuz she dragged me here in the first place - of course.)
Castle Cyberskull
Home Video Horrors
All of my site buttons, headers, etc. were made by me - but there's a ton of other fun stuff here
too - like pixels & blinkies from other sites! Check them out here.