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Welcome to my Korn shrine!
Bro, what are you even here for I don't have SHIT for you right now! Anyways, here's some cool text and the forbidden knowledge that yes, I am building a KoЯn shrine.
navigation: Shrines home | This isn't a link! | Get out of here | What'd I tell you?

Wow that sure is a logo and I sure do have absolutelyzero things to say about it right now can y'all just...maybe come back when this page doesn't just look like complete shit? I feel like I should be making this page purple instead but... I guess we'lljust have to wait & see about that, won't we? Wow this image is taller than I thought it was. Huh.

I guess I'll keep typing for a little bit seen as you just won't fuckin leave that & Jonathan Davis will never beat the gay allegations. (I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Leave me alone! Get away from my stupid page, jeeze!)

I usually wouldn't include CW/TW's on my site however: if you're sensitive to CSA, general abuse mentions, etc -
You probably should turn around and also...not listen to KoЯn unless you pull cathartic shit like I tend to?

I hate to break it to you, but KoЯn invented nu-metal and also the fuckin internet. (Even though Jonathan Davis himself will deny the tern nu metal being attached to them for another 30 years. Sorry, JD.) Anyways! I'm focusing on...'93-'05 KoЯn partially because I'm old, their career spans my entire life, & because I don't want to talk about lineup changes and end up with an argument with a teenager (no offense) about Fieldy or something, and I know none of y'all read this shit.
(Let a bitch hyperfixate in peace)

Instead of digging into their background myself, I'm going to throw this "about" from their street teams website section - circa 1999 at best (Don't worry, I'm gunna talk about the internet thing. Cuz it...yeah. We'll get back to it. Here's your damn bio.)

"Musical revolutions can foment in the oddest places: Athens, Georgia. Aberdeen, Washington. Bakersfield, California.

That's right, Bakersfield; a bleak, arid little town just west of Death Valley that could double as a David Lynch movie set-if there were anything going on, that is. As a kid Fieldy spent much of his adolescence "standing around in dirt fields, drinking beer, watching other kids fight." At some point, Fieldy and some friends decided their time would be better spent taking out their frustrations on musical instruments instead.

And rock music would never be the same.

So Fieldy, James "Munky" Shaffer, David Silveria, Brian "Head" Welch, and eventually, an assistant coroner with a troubled past named Jonathan Davis left Bakersfield for Los Angeles and collectively became known as KOЯN. It helped that they all had common influences-the angry, urban styling of hip-hop, the heavy, riff-driven angst of death metal. But the sounds emanating from this band's Huntington Beach rehearsal space would soon set an entirely fresh musical precedent - and set off a wave of imitators that eventually threatened to engulf the band itself.

After touring for nearly two years, KOЯN was signed by Immortal and released their now-classic eponymous 1994 debut. KOЯN opened with the prophetic, gravel-throated challenge "Are you ready?!" before kicking into the heaviest guitar sound yet heard in rock thanks to the team of Shaffer and Welch, who tuned their already-low 7-string guitars even lower and played with no regard for traditional harmonic consonance. The sound was metallic sludge, but tempered oddly by bassist Fieldy and drummer Silveria, who added a mix of porn-soundtrack funk and hip-hop rhythms that was puzzlingly aggressive and chill.

Next, nursery-rhyme-like melodies were woven into the dark mix, helping make KOЯN the creepiest, heaviest debut since Black Sabbath. But Davis had no desire to sing about devils and witches; he was busy exorcising real-life demons. Songs such as "Faget" and "Shoots and Ladders" were discomfortingly personal confessionals of shattered childhood, and by album's end Davis was literally in tears in the harrowing "Daddy."

"Are you ready?!" Well, commercial radio sure wasn't." - (KOЯN street team promo, 1999)
Do you ever see outside your fears?