Welcome to my site!
Howdy! I'm Kitty, welcome to my personal corner of the internet. (You can read about me here!) This site is updated live & at complete random, so don't mind the mess. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I guess we'll find out. As of right now, I'm just posting stuff I like - and hoarding graphics I've made myself & yoinked over the years & that's good enough for me.
The little devil guy on the right will pop out of this paragraph if I don't keep typing, and I'm too lazy to figure out what I actually want to write about here...so uh...uh? Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Wow, amazing, what a time to be alive. Yadda yadda yadda some other bullshit here. Wow!
I'm assuming you read the last page & agreed that by coming in here you're aware that your eyes might fall out of your head, or I might swear too much & post about things that aren't appropriate for children - but does anyone even read those things? Fingers crossed. If you didn't here's your last chance to ditch....
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